- Stop Cross-Site Timing Attacks with SameSite cookies
- Building Fast & Resilient Web Applications
- Control Groups (cgroups) for the Web?
- The "Average Page" is a myth
- Don't lose user and app state, use Page Visibility top post
- Eliminating Roundtrips with Preconnect
- Browser Progress Bar is an Anti-pattern
- Fixing the 'Blank Text' Problem top post
- Resilient Networking: Planning for Failure
- Capability Reporting with Service Worker top post
- Extensible Web Resource Loading Manifesto
- Optimizing Webfont Selection and Synthesis
- Script-injected "async scripts" considered harmful top post
- Minimum Viable Block Chain top post
- Uplink Latency of WiFi and 4G Networks
- Why is my CDN 'slow' for mobile clients?
- Optimizing Web Font Rendering Performance
- Optimizing NGINX TLS Time To First Byte (TTTFB) top post
- Configuring & Optimizing WebSocket Compression top post
- Optimizing TLS Record Size & Buffering Latency
- Retrospective: High Performance Browser Networking
- Automating DPR switching with Client-Hints top post
- HTTP Archive + BigQuery = Web Performance Answers
- Innovating with HTTP 2.0 Server Push
- Deploying WebP via Accept Content Negotiation
- Faster, smaller and more beautiful web with WebP
- High Performance Networking in Google Chrome top post
- Faster Websites: Crash Course on Web Performance
- Deploying New Image Formats on the Web top post
- Web Performance Anomaly Detection with Google Analytics
- Wait, Chrome DevTools could do THAT?
- Simple SPDY and NPN Negotiation with HAProxy
- Automating Web Performance with mod_pagespeed
- Web Fonts Performance: Making Pretty, Fast
- Web Performance Power Tool: HTTP Archive (HAR)
- Latency: The New Web Performance Bottleneck top post
- SPDY & Secure Proxy Support in Google Chrome
- Debunking Responsive CSS Performance Myths
- Chrome Networking: DNS Prefetch & TCP Preconnect top post
- All Presentation Software is Broken top post
- Driving Google Chrome via WebSocket API
- Measuring Site Speed with Navigation Timing
- Work-Stealing & Recursive Partitioning with Fork/Join
- SSTable and Log Structured Storage: LevelDB top post
- Building a Modern Web Stack for the Real-time Web top post
- Google Web Toolkit: GWT, Closure, NaCl, Dart & JS
- Don't "Push" Your Pull Requests
- Web-VPN: Secure Proxies with SPDY & Chrome
- Faster Web vs. TCP Slow-Start
- Optimizing HTTP: Keep-alive and Pipelining
- Server-Sent Event Notifications with HTML5
- Rails 3 Asset Pipeline & Google Closure
- Protocol Buffers, Avro, Thrift & MessagePack top post
- HTML5 Visibility API & Page Pre-Rendering
- 0-60: Deploying Goliath on Heroku Cedar
- Stream(SQL) Event Processing with Esper
- Intuition & Data-Driven Machine Learning top post
- VMware CloudFoundry: Ruby powered PaaS
- Life beyond HTTP 1.1: Google's SPDY top post
- Mneme: Scalable Duplicate Filtering Service
- Goliath: Non-blocking, Ruby 1.9 Web Server top post
- New Ruby 1.9 Features, Tips & Tricks
- HandlerSocket: The NoSQL MySQL & Ruby
- Beyond Ruby: Mirah, Reia, Rite
- Concurrency with Actors, Goroutines & Ruby top post
- Routing with Ruby & ZeroMQ Devices
- Open Source Search with Lucene & Solr
- Case for Smartphone Web Activity Feeds
- ZeroMQ: Modern & Fast Networking Stack top post
- Multi-core, Threads & Message Passing top post
- Rails 3 Internals: Railtie & Creating Plugins
- Speed Tracer Server-side Tracing with Rack
- Weak Consistency and CAP Implications top post
- Rails Performance Needs an Overhaul
- Scalable Work Queues with Beanstalk
- Distributed Coordination with Zookeeper
- Non-blocking ActiveRecord & Rails
- Untangling Evented Code with Ruby Fibers top post
- Schema-Free MySQL vs NoSQL
- Data Serialization + RPC with Avro & Ruby
- Cluster Monitoring with Ganglia & Ruby
- Distributed Ruby with the MagLev VM
- Flow Analysis & Time-based Bloom Filters
- Ruby & WebSockets: TCP for the Browser top post
- Future of RDBMS is RAM Clouds & SSD
- State of Ruby VMs: Ruby Renaissance top post
- Consuming XMPP PubSub in Ruby
- Nginx & Comet: Low Latency Server Push
- Advanced Messaging & Routing with AMQP
- Deploying JRuby on Google App Engine
- Collaborative Filtering with Ensembles
- Post-Javascript DOM with Aptana Jaxer
- Smart Clients: ReverseHTTP & WebSockets top post
- Masking Latency & Failures with Squid
- Extending Tokyo Cabinet DB with Lua
- HTTP PubSub: Webhooks & PubSubHubbub top post
- Measuring & Optimizing I/O Performance top post
- Profiling Ruby With Google's Perftools
- Easy Map-Reduce With Hadoop Streaming
- Fibers & Cooperative Scheduling in Ruby
- Open Source Software Apprentice
- Ruby Proxies for Scale and Monitoring
- Henry Ford & Event Driven Architecture
- Ruby Algorithms: Sorting, Trie & Heaps
- Ruby Polyglot: Talking with Erlang
- Collaborative / Swarm Computing Notes
- Collaborative Map-Reduce in the Browser top post
- ActiveRecord Optimization with Scrooge
- Tokyo Cabinet: Beyond Key-Value Store
- Ruby 1.9 Internals: Ordered Hash
- Ruby Swarms: Visualizing Rails & Git
- Bridging MRI, JRuby & Rubinius with FFI
- Scalable Datasets: Bloom Filters in Ruby top post
- Ruby AST for Fun and Profit
- Zero-Downtime Restarts with HAProxy top post
- Parallelism is a Myth in Ruby
- Scaling ActiveRecord with MySQLPlus
- Distributed Logging: Syslog-ng & Splunk
- Asynchronous HTTP Cache Validations
- Load Testing With Log Replay
- High-Performance DNS for The Cloud
- Asynchronous Database Access in Ruby
- Asynchronous DB: DBSlayer & HTTP
- Unix Signals for Live Debugging
- Fighting Technological Indulgences
- 6 Optimization Tips for Ruby MRI
- Splunk Your Distributed Logs in EC2
- Tumblr, RMagick and a Photo Frame!
- Ruby Heroes & RailsConf '08 Day 1
- Ruby EventMachine - The Speed Demon
- Load Balancing & QoS with HAProxy
- MySQL Conf - Memcached Internals
- Custom PuTTY Color Themes
- Agile Release & Testing Procedures
- Live Mongrel Debugging and Recovery
- Nginx and Memcached, a 400% boost!
- Commit, Recover & Transactions in Ruby
- Support Vector Machines (SVM) in Ruby top post
- Thrudb - faster, cheaper than SimpleDB
- Ruby Web-Services with Facebook's Thrift
- Testing RDDB: RESTful Ruby Database
- Boosting ActiveRecord Performance
- Hands on MySQL Backup & Migration
- Managing EC2 Reservations with Ruby
- Mongrel Timeout / Throttle Misnomer
- Subqueries and SQL Syntax Sugar Diet
- SSMTP Relay & Mail Delivery in Rails
- Pseudo Reverse Indexes in MySQL
- Reconstructing Request URIs in Rails
- AideRSS - smart RSS filtering
- Sendmail & Spam Filter Tricks in Rails
- Efficient Updates & Data Import in Rails
- Integrating Wordpress and Rails
- 5 Minute Beta Authentication in Rails
- Caching and MIME Types in Rails
- Creating JavaScript widgets in Rails
- Bayes Classification in Ruby top post
- Distributed Ruby Workers on EC2
- 5 Ways to Sharpen Your Ruby-foo
- Web Security With Ingress Filtering
- Invoking Ruby in C# / .NET
- Decision Tree Learning in Ruby
- Secure UTF-8 Input in Rails
- .NET the Ruby Way
- Scheduling tasks in Ruby / Rails
- Agile RSS Aggregator in Ruby top post
- Block Helpers and DRY Views in Rails
- Client HTTP Caching in Rails
- Easy PDF Photo-Calendars in Ruby
- Ferret Pagination in Rails
- Business / Moo Cards Bandwagon
- Dynamic WEBRick Servers in Ruby
- Ruby Screen-Scraper in 60 Seconds
- World News With Geographic Heatmaps
- Correlating Netflix and IMDB Datasets
- Choice and the Long Tail at Netflix
- The Non-Paradox of Choice
- SVD Recommendation System in Ruby top post
- Mistakes are Lessons in Disguise
- Dynamic Stat Graphs in Rails
- PostRank RSS Filtering top post
- Reinventing RSS Readers top post
- Visual Database Explorer in Ruby
- Loading Netflix Dataset into SQL
- Google / Yahoo Sitemaps in Rails
- Monit makes Mongrel play nice!
- Dissecting the Netflix Dataset
- Adding Social Bookmarks in Rails
- Securing your Rails environment
- Using Helpers instead of Components
- Faster Pagination in Rails
- Validating URL/URI in Ruby on Rails
- Rails 4-State Ajax & CSS Star Rating
- Counter for acts_as_taggable
- SVM Text Classification